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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Intoduction: Multi Tear Architecture
Hi Brothers, This is so important specially for graduate students.......
First, What Multi-tear architecure means?N-tier (multi-tier) applications have become the normal for building enterprise software today. To most people, an N-tier application is anything that is divided into discrete logical parts. The most common choice is a three-part breakdown—presentation, business logic, and data—although other possibilities exist. N-tier applications first emerged as a way of solving some of the problems associated with traditional client/server applications, but with the arrival of the Web, this architecture has come to dominate new development. This will help u alot for designing application.
What is the goal of Buidling such architecture?
1- Maintainability.
2- Security.
3- availability.
and so on.
The most common N-Tier is a 3 tear, as following:
Let's Descripe Each Component:
- Application Data: Which is our database of enterprise system.
- Data Access Logic Component: which handle all database operations like Create, Read , Update, Delete; CRUD is a standard behavior for all DB operations..
- Business Entities: Is an important component for representing all entities, ummm, such as order, products in an ordering system.
- Business Process Component: Handles all business process during system, like calculating total cost of order, get the balance of one customer, and so on.
- Presentation: Handle all user activies through user friendly interface, presentation may be desktop, web, or mobile.....
That is enough now, this is a start to multi-tier...
Later I will discuss how to represent each tier or layer seperatly, and how to imeplement it...
I wish This post help u, Waiting for ur comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Security of Mobile Agents
---Co-Operating Agents
In order to improve the security of mobile agents against the attacks that are launched by the malicious platforms, the Co-Operating Agent technique distributes critical tasks of a single mobile agent between two co-operating agents. Each of the two co-operating agents executes the tasks in one of two disjoint sets of platforms. The co-operating agents share the same data and exchange information in a secret way. The Co-Operating Agent technique reduces the possibility of the shared data being pilfered by a single host. Each agent records and verifies the route of its co-operating agent. Co-Operating Agents can be used to perform e-commerce tasks or protocols such as the authorization of negotiation, bidding, auction, electronic payment, etc.
When the agent travels from one platform to another, it uses an authenticated communication channel to pass information to its co-operating agent. The information includes details about the agent's itinerary such as the last platform visited by the agent, the current platform, and the next platform to be visited. The peer agent takes a suitable action when anything wrong occurs, e.g., a platform sends the agent to a wrong destination, or claims to have received the agent from an incorrect source. However, this technique has some drawbacks. One of them is the cost of setting up the authenticated communication channel for each migration. Another drawback is that in the case of a co-operating agent being killed, it is difficult for its peer to decide which platform is responsible. It is worth noting that an assumption made in the Co-Operating Agent technique, is that only a small percentage of platforms are in fact malicious and that it is not very likely that both agents will encounter such a host. However, care should be taken that the two sets of platforms assigned to the two agents are indeed disjoint, that is, that they never encounter the same host. This method can easily be extended to more than two co-operating agents.
---Execution Tracing
Execution Tracing enables detection of any possible misbehavior by a platform, that is, improper modification of the mobile agent code, state, and execution flow. This technique is based on cryptographic traces that are collected during an agent’s execution at different platforms. Traces are logs of the actions performed by a mobile agent during its lifetime. Execution Tracing enables an agent’s owner to check the agent’s execution history and see if it contains any unauthorized modifications done by a malicious platform. Each trace contains identifiers of all the statements performed on a particular platform. In the case that some of the statements require information from the external execution environment, the trace must also contain a digital signature of the platform. Such statements are known as “black” statements.
On the other hand, the statements that only use the values of the agent’s internal variables are called “white” statements The Execution Tracing technique assumes that all the involved parties own a public and private key that can be used for digital signatures, in order to identify involved parties. Different parties, such as users and platform owners, communicate by using signed messages. A platform that receives the agent and agrees to execute it produces the associated trace during the agent’s execution. The message that an execution platform attaches to the mobile agent typically contains information such as the unique identifier of the message, the identity of the sender, the timestamp, the fingerprint of the trace, the final state and the trusted third party (which could later be used to resolve disputes). Later, the owner of the agent may suspect that a certain platform cheated while executing the agent. If this is the case, the owner will ask the suspicious platform to reproduce the trace.
Finally, the agent’s owner validates the execution of the agent by comparing the fingerprint of the reproduced trace against the fingerprint of the trace that is originally supplied by the suspicious platform. In addition to detection of any modification of the agent performed by a malicious platform, Execution Tracing also provides a means to protect a legitimate platform against a malicious agent by obtaining the related traces from the involved parties. Execution Tracing has some limitations, such as the potential large size and number of logs to be retained. Another limitation of this technique is that the owner platform needs to wait until it obtains suspicious results in order to run the verification process. Also, this technique is considered to be too difficult to use in the case of multi-threaded agents.
---Obfuscated Code
Obfuscation is a technique in which the mobile code producer enforces the security policy by applying a behavior-preserving transformation to the code before it sends it to run on different platforms that are trusted to various degrees. Obfuscation aims to protect the code from being analyzed and understood by the host. Consequently, the host should not be able to modify the mobile code’s behavior or expose sensitive information that is hidden inside the code such as a secret key, credit card number, or bidding limits. Typically, the transformation procedure that is used to generate the obfuscated code aims to make the obfuscated code very hard to understand or analyze by malicious parties.
There are different useful obfuscating transformations. Layout Obfuscation tries to remove or modify some information in the code, such as comments and debugging information, without affecting the executable part of the code. Data Obfuscation concentrates on obfuscating the data and data structures in the code without modifying the code itself. Control Obfuscation tries to alter the control flow in the code without modifying the computing part of the code. Preventive Obfuscation concentrates on protecting the code from de-compilers and debuggers. Hohl [44] suggested using the Obfuscation technique to obtain a time limited black box agent that can be executed safely on a malicious platform for a certain period of time but not forever. D’Anna et al [45] pointed out that Obfuscation could delay, but not prevent the attacks on agent via reverse engineering. They also argue that an attacker with enough computational resources, such as enough time, can always de-obfuscate the code. Barak et al [46] studied the theoretical limits of Obfuscation techniques and showed that in general achieving completely secure Obfuscation is impossible.
In addition to protecting a mobile agent, Obfuscation can also be used for other applications such as protecting digital watermarking, enforcement of software licensing, and protecting protocols from spoofing. As far as the performance is concerned, some Obfuscation techniques reduce the size of the code and thus speed up its execution (Layout and Data Obfuscation), while others achieve the opposite (Control Obfuscation). Obfuscation is considered resistant to impersonation and denial of service attacks. The main challenge in this technique is to make it easy to apply in practice.
In order to improve the security of mobile agents against the attacks that are launched by the malicious platforms, the Co-Operating Agent technique distributes critical tasks of a single mobile agent between two co-operating agents. Each of the two co-operating agents executes the tasks in one of two disjoint sets of platforms. The co-operating agents share the same data and exchange information in a secret way. The Co-Operating Agent technique reduces the possibility of the shared data being pilfered by a single host. Each agent records and verifies the route of its co-operating agent. Co-Operating Agents can be used to perform e-commerce tasks or protocols such as the authorization of negotiation, bidding, auction, electronic payment, etc.
When the agent travels from one platform to another, it uses an authenticated communication channel to pass information to its co-operating agent. The information includes details about the agent's itinerary such as the last platform visited by the agent, the current platform, and the next platform to be visited. The peer agent takes a suitable action when anything wrong occurs, e.g., a platform sends the agent to a wrong destination, or claims to have received the agent from an incorrect source. However, this technique has some drawbacks. One of them is the cost of setting up the authenticated communication channel for each migration. Another drawback is that in the case of a co-operating agent being killed, it is difficult for its peer to decide which platform is responsible. It is worth noting that an assumption made in the Co-Operating Agent technique, is that only a small percentage of platforms are in fact malicious and that it is not very likely that both agents will encounter such a host. However, care should be taken that the two sets of platforms assigned to the two agents are indeed disjoint, that is, that they never encounter the same host. This method can easily be extended to more than two co-operating agents.
---Execution Tracing
Execution Tracing enables detection of any possible misbehavior by a platform, that is, improper modification of the mobile agent code, state, and execution flow. This technique is based on cryptographic traces that are collected during an agent’s execution at different platforms. Traces are logs of the actions performed by a mobile agent during its lifetime. Execution Tracing enables an agent’s owner to check the agent’s execution history and see if it contains any unauthorized modifications done by a malicious platform. Each trace contains identifiers of all the statements performed on a particular platform. In the case that some of the statements require information from the external execution environment, the trace must also contain a digital signature of the platform. Such statements are known as “black” statements.
On the other hand, the statements that only use the values of the agent’s internal variables are called “white” statements The Execution Tracing technique assumes that all the involved parties own a public and private key that can be used for digital signatures, in order to identify involved parties. Different parties, such as users and platform owners, communicate by using signed messages. A platform that receives the agent and agrees to execute it produces the associated trace during the agent’s execution. The message that an execution platform attaches to the mobile agent typically contains information such as the unique identifier of the message, the identity of the sender, the timestamp, the fingerprint of the trace, the final state and the trusted third party (which could later be used to resolve disputes). Later, the owner of the agent may suspect that a certain platform cheated while executing the agent. If this is the case, the owner will ask the suspicious platform to reproduce the trace.
Finally, the agent’s owner validates the execution of the agent by comparing the fingerprint of the reproduced trace against the fingerprint of the trace that is originally supplied by the suspicious platform. In addition to detection of any modification of the agent performed by a malicious platform, Execution Tracing also provides a means to protect a legitimate platform against a malicious agent by obtaining the related traces from the involved parties. Execution Tracing has some limitations, such as the potential large size and number of logs to be retained. Another limitation of this technique is that the owner platform needs to wait until it obtains suspicious results in order to run the verification process. Also, this technique is considered to be too difficult to use in the case of multi-threaded agents.
---Obfuscated Code
Obfuscation is a technique in which the mobile code producer enforces the security policy by applying a behavior-preserving transformation to the code before it sends it to run on different platforms that are trusted to various degrees. Obfuscation aims to protect the code from being analyzed and understood by the host. Consequently, the host should not be able to modify the mobile code’s behavior or expose sensitive information that is hidden inside the code such as a secret key, credit card number, or bidding limits. Typically, the transformation procedure that is used to generate the obfuscated code aims to make the obfuscated code very hard to understand or analyze by malicious parties.
There are different useful obfuscating transformations. Layout Obfuscation tries to remove or modify some information in the code, such as comments and debugging information, without affecting the executable part of the code. Data Obfuscation concentrates on obfuscating the data and data structures in the code without modifying the code itself. Control Obfuscation tries to alter the control flow in the code without modifying the computing part of the code. Preventive Obfuscation concentrates on protecting the code from de-compilers and debuggers. Hohl [44] suggested using the Obfuscation technique to obtain a time limited black box agent that can be executed safely on a malicious platform for a certain period of time but not forever. D’Anna et al [45] pointed out that Obfuscation could delay, but not prevent the attacks on agent via reverse engineering. They also argue that an attacker with enough computational resources, such as enough time, can always de-obfuscate the code. Barak et al [46] studied the theoretical limits of Obfuscation techniques and showed that in general achieving completely secure Obfuscation is impossible.
In addition to protecting a mobile agent, Obfuscation can also be used for other applications such as protecting digital watermarking, enforcement of software licensing, and protecting protocols from spoofing. As far as the performance is concerned, some Obfuscation techniques reduce the size of the code and thus speed up its execution (Layout and Data Obfuscation), while others achieve the opposite (Control Obfuscation). Obfuscation is considered resistant to impersonation and denial of service attacks. The main challenge in this technique is to make it easy to apply in practice.
Security Of Agent Platform
Two Categories of Protection Techniques: Prevention and detection; Prevention techniques are aimed at making it impossible for platforms and agents to successfully perform an attack. For example, a tamper-proof device can be used to execute an agent in a physically sealed environment. On the other hand, detection techniques aim at detecting the attacks.
The primary issue in the security of mobile agent systems is to protect mobile agent platforms against malicious attacks launched by the agents. This section presents a set of detection and prevention techniques for keeping the platform secure against a malicious mobile agent.
Sandboxing is a software technique used to protect mobile agent platform from malicious mobile agents. In an execution environment (platform), local code is executed with full permission and has access to crucial system resources. On the other hand, remote code, such as mobile agents and downloadable applets, is executed inside a restricted area called a “sandbox”. Restriction affects certain code operations such as interacting with the local file system, opening a network connection, accessing system properties on the local system, and invoking programs on the local system. This ensures that a malicious mobile agent cannot cause any harm to the execution environment that is running it.
A Sandboxing mechanism enforces a fixed security policy for the execution of the remote code. The policy specifies the rules and restrictions that mobile agent code should confirm to. A mechanism is said to be secure if it properly implements a policy that is free of flaws and inconsistencies [36].
The most common implementation of Sandboxing is in the Java interpreter inside Java-enabled web browsers. A Java interpreter contains three main security components: ClassLoader, Verifier, and Security Manager [36,37,38,39,40]. The ClassLoader converts remote code into data structures that can be added to the local class hierarchy. Thus every remote class has a subtype of the ClassLoader class associated with it [36]. Before the remote code is loaded, the Verifier performs a set of security checks on it in order to guarantee that only legitimate Java code is executed [37,38]. The remote code should be a valid virtual machine code, and it should not overflow or underflow the stack, or use registers improperly [8,16]. Additionally, remote classes cannot overwrite local names and their operations are checked by the Security Manager before the execution. For example, in JDK 1.0.x, classes are labelled as local and remote classes. Local classes perform their operations without any restrictions while remote classes should first surrender to a checking process that implements the platform security policy. This is implemented within the Security Manager. If a remote class passes the verification, then it will be granted certain privileges to access system resources and continue executing its code. Otherwise, a security exception will be raised A problem with the Sandboxing technique is that a failure in any of the three above mentioned interrelated security parts may lead to a security violation.
Suppose that a remote class is wrongly classified as a local class. Then this class will enjoy all the privileges of a local class. Consequently, the security policy may be violated [8]. A downside of the Sandboxing technique is that it increases the execution time of legitimate remote code but this can be overcome by combining Code Signing and Sandboxing, as will be explained later.
----Code Signing
The “Code Signing” technique ensures the integrity of the code downloaded from the Internet. It enables the platform to verify that the code has not been modified since it was signed by its creator. Code Signing cannot reveal what the code can do or guarantee that the code is in fact safe to run. Code Signing makes use of a digital signature and one-way hash function. A well-known implementation of code signing is Microsoft Authenticode, which is typically used for signing code such as ActiveX controls and Java applets. Code Signing enables the verification of the code producer’s identity but it does not guarantee that they are trustworthy. The platform that runs mobile code maintains a list of trusted entities and checks the code against the list. If the code producer is on the list, it is assumed that they are trustworthy and that the code is safe. The code is then treated as local code and is given full privileges; otherwise the code will not run at all. This is known as a “black and white” policy, as it only allows the platform to label programs as completely trusted or completely un-trusted.
There are two main drawbacks of the Code Signing approach. Firstly, this technique assumes that all the entities on the trusted list are trustworthy and that they are incorruptible. Mobile code from such a producer is granted full privileges. If the mobile agent is malicious, it can use those privileges not only to directly cause harm to the executing platform but also to open a door for other malicious agents by changing the acceptance policy on the platform. Moreover, the affects of the malicious agent attack may only occur later, which makes it impossible to establish a connection between the attack and the attacker. Such attacks are referred to as “delayed attacks”. Secondly, this technique is overly restrictive towards agents that are coming from untrustworthy entities, as they do not run at all. The approach that combines Code Signing and Sandboxing described in the next section alleviates this drawback.
---Code Signing and Sandboxing Combined
Java JDK 1.1 combines the advantages of both Code Signing and Sandboxing. If the code consumer trusts the signer of the code, then the code will run as if it were local code, that is, with full privileges being granted to it. On the other hand, if the code consumer does not trust the signer of the code then the code will run inside a Sandbox as in JDK1.0. The main advantage of this approach is that it enables the execution of the mobile code produced by untrustworthy entities.
However, this method still suffers from the same drawback as Code Signing, that is, malicious code that is deemed trustworthy can cause damage and even change the acceptance policy. The security policy is the set of rules for granting programs permission to access various platform resources. The “black-and-white” policy only allows the platform to label programs as completely trusted or untrusted, as is the case in JDK1.1. The combination of Code Signing and Sandboxing implemented in JDK 1.2 (Java 2) incorporates fine-grained access control and follows a “shades-of-grey” policy. This policy is more flexible than the “black-and-white” policy, as it allows a user to assign any degree of partial trust to a code, rather than just “trusted” and “untrusted”. There is a whole spectrum of privileges that can be granted to the code. In JDK1.2 all code is subjected to the same security policy, regardless of being labeled as local or remote. The run-time system partitions code into individual groups called protection domains in such a way that all programs inside the same domain are granted the same set of permissions. The end-user can authorize certain protection domains to access the majority of resources that are available at the executing host while other protection domains may be restricted to the Sandbox environment. In between these two, there are different subsets of privileges that can be granted to different protection domains, based on whether they are local or remote, authorized or not, and even based on the key that is used for the signature. Although this scheme is much more flexible than the one in JDK 1.1, it still suffers from the same problem, that an end user can grant full privileges to malicious mobile code.
----Proof-Carrying Code
Lee and Necula [21] introduced the Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) technique in which the code producer is required to provide a formal proof that the code complies with the security policy of the code consumer. The code producer sends the code together with the formal safety proof, sometimes called machine-checkable proof, to the code consumer. Upon receipt, the code consumer checks and verifies the safety proof of the incoming code by using a simple and fast proof checker. Depending on the result of the proof validation process, the code is proclaimed safe and consequently executed without any further checking, or it is rejected. PCC guarantees the safety of the incoming code providing that there is no flaw in the verification-condition generator, the logical axioms, the typing rules, and the proof-checker PCC is considered to be “self-certifying”, because no cryptography or trusted third party is required. It involves low-cost static program checking after which the program can be executed without any expensive run-time checking. In addition, PCC is considered “tamper-proof” as any modification done to the code or the proof will be detected. These advantages make the Proof Carrying Code technique useful not only for mobile agents but also for other applications such as active networks and extensible operating systems. Proof Carrying Code also has some limitations, which need to be dealt with before it can become widely used. The main problem with PCC is the proof generation, and there is a lot of research on how to automate the proof generation process. For example, a certifying compiler can automatically generate the proof through the process of compilation. Unfortunately, at present many proofs still have to be done by hand. Other limitations of the PCC technique include the potential size of the proof and the time consumed in the proof-validation process.
---State Appraisal
While a mobile agent is roaming among agent platforms, it typically carries the following information: code, static data, collected data, and execution state. The execution state is dynamic data created during the execution of the agent at each platform and used as input to the computations performed on the next platform. The state includes a program counter, registers, local environment, control stack, and store. The state of a mobile gent changes during its execution on a platform. Farmer et al [25] introduced the “State Appraisal” technique to ensure that an agent has not become malicious or modified as a result of its state alterations at an untrustworthy platform. In this technique the author, who creates the mobile agent, produces a state appraisal function. This function calculates the maximum set of safe permissions that the agent could request from the host platform, depending on the agent’s current state. In other words, the author needs to anticipate possible harmful modifications to the agent’s state and to counteract them within the appraisal function. Similarly, the sender, who sends the agent to act on his behalf, produces another state appraisal function that determines the set of permissions to be requested by the agent, depending on its current state and on the task to be completed. Subsequently, the sender packages the code with these state appraisal functions. If both the author and the sender sign the agent, their appraisal functions will be protected against malicious modifications. Upon receipt, the target platform checks and verifies the correct state of the incoming agent. Depending on the result of the verification process, the platform can determine what privileges should be granted to this incoming agent given its current state.
Clearly, when the author and the sender fail to anticipate certain attacks, they cannot include them in the appraisal functions and provide the necessary protection. In addition to ensuring that an agent has not become malicious during its itinerary, the State Appraisal may also be used to disarm a maliciously altered agent. Another advantage of this technique is that it provides a flexible way for an agent to request permissions depending on its current state and on the task that it needs to do on that particular platform. The main problem with this technique is that it is not easy to formulate appropriate security properties for the mobile agent and to obtain a state appraisal function that guarantees those properties.
---Path Histories
When an agent travels through a multi-hop itinerary, it visits many platforms that are not all trusted to the same extent. The newly visited platform may benefit from the answers to the following questions: Where has the agent been? How likely is it that the agent has been converted to a malicious one during its trip? To enable the platform to answer these questions, a mobile agent should maintain an authenticable record of the previously visited platforms during its travel life. Using this history, the platform makes the decision whether to run the agent and what level of trust, services, resources and privileges should be granted to the agent. The list of the platforms visited previously by the agent is the basis of trust that the execution platform has in the agent.
Typically, it is harder to maintain trust in agents that have previously visited a huge number of platforms. Likewise, it is harder to trust the agent whose travel path is unknown in advance, for example the agent that is searching for new information and creates its travel path dynamically [43]. The “Path History” is constructed in the following way. Each visited platform in the mobile agent's travel life adds a signed record to the Path History. This record should contain the current platform’s identity together with the identity of the next platform to be visited in the mobile agent’s travel path. Moreover, in order to prevent tampering, each platform should include the previous record in the message digest that it is signing. After executing the agent, the current platform should send the agent together with the complete Path History to the next platform. Depending on the information in the Path History, the new platform can decide whether to run the agent and what privileges should be granted to the agent. The main problem with the Path History technique is that the cost of the path verification process increases with the path history. Constructing algorithms for Path History evaluation is an interesting research area.
The primary issue in the security of mobile agent systems is to protect mobile agent platforms against malicious attacks launched by the agents. This section presents a set of detection and prevention techniques for keeping the platform secure against a malicious mobile agent.
Sandboxing is a software technique used to protect mobile agent platform from malicious mobile agents. In an execution environment (platform), local code is executed with full permission and has access to crucial system resources. On the other hand, remote code, such as mobile agents and downloadable applets, is executed inside a restricted area called a “sandbox”. Restriction affects certain code operations such as interacting with the local file system, opening a network connection, accessing system properties on the local system, and invoking programs on the local system. This ensures that a malicious mobile agent cannot cause any harm to the execution environment that is running it.
A Sandboxing mechanism enforces a fixed security policy for the execution of the remote code. The policy specifies the rules and restrictions that mobile agent code should confirm to. A mechanism is said to be secure if it properly implements a policy that is free of flaws and inconsistencies [36].
The most common implementation of Sandboxing is in the Java interpreter inside Java-enabled web browsers. A Java interpreter contains three main security components: ClassLoader, Verifier, and Security Manager [36,37,38,39,40]. The ClassLoader converts remote code into data structures that can be added to the local class hierarchy. Thus every remote class has a subtype of the ClassLoader class associated with it [36]. Before the remote code is loaded, the Verifier performs a set of security checks on it in order to guarantee that only legitimate Java code is executed [37,38]. The remote code should be a valid virtual machine code, and it should not overflow or underflow the stack, or use registers improperly [8,16]. Additionally, remote classes cannot overwrite local names and their operations are checked by the Security Manager before the execution. For example, in JDK 1.0.x, classes are labelled as local and remote classes. Local classes perform their operations without any restrictions while remote classes should first surrender to a checking process that implements the platform security policy. This is implemented within the Security Manager. If a remote class passes the verification, then it will be granted certain privileges to access system resources and continue executing its code. Otherwise, a security exception will be raised A problem with the Sandboxing technique is that a failure in any of the three above mentioned interrelated security parts may lead to a security violation.
Suppose that a remote class is wrongly classified as a local class. Then this class will enjoy all the privileges of a local class. Consequently, the security policy may be violated [8]. A downside of the Sandboxing technique is that it increases the execution time of legitimate remote code but this can be overcome by combining Code Signing and Sandboxing, as will be explained later.
----Code Signing
The “Code Signing” technique ensures the integrity of the code downloaded from the Internet. It enables the platform to verify that the code has not been modified since it was signed by its creator. Code Signing cannot reveal what the code can do or guarantee that the code is in fact safe to run. Code Signing makes use of a digital signature and one-way hash function. A well-known implementation of code signing is Microsoft Authenticode, which is typically used for signing code such as ActiveX controls and Java applets. Code Signing enables the verification of the code producer’s identity but it does not guarantee that they are trustworthy. The platform that runs mobile code maintains a list of trusted entities and checks the code against the list. If the code producer is on the list, it is assumed that they are trustworthy and that the code is safe. The code is then treated as local code and is given full privileges; otherwise the code will not run at all. This is known as a “black and white” policy, as it only allows the platform to label programs as completely trusted or completely un-trusted.
There are two main drawbacks of the Code Signing approach. Firstly, this technique assumes that all the entities on the trusted list are trustworthy and that they are incorruptible. Mobile code from such a producer is granted full privileges. If the mobile agent is malicious, it can use those privileges not only to directly cause harm to the executing platform but also to open a door for other malicious agents by changing the acceptance policy on the platform. Moreover, the affects of the malicious agent attack may only occur later, which makes it impossible to establish a connection between the attack and the attacker. Such attacks are referred to as “delayed attacks”. Secondly, this technique is overly restrictive towards agents that are coming from untrustworthy entities, as they do not run at all. The approach that combines Code Signing and Sandboxing described in the next section alleviates this drawback.
---Code Signing and Sandboxing Combined
Java JDK 1.1 combines the advantages of both Code Signing and Sandboxing. If the code consumer trusts the signer of the code, then the code will run as if it were local code, that is, with full privileges being granted to it. On the other hand, if the code consumer does not trust the signer of the code then the code will run inside a Sandbox as in JDK1.0. The main advantage of this approach is that it enables the execution of the mobile code produced by untrustworthy entities.
However, this method still suffers from the same drawback as Code Signing, that is, malicious code that is deemed trustworthy can cause damage and even change the acceptance policy. The security policy is the set of rules for granting programs permission to access various platform resources. The “black-and-white” policy only allows the platform to label programs as completely trusted or untrusted, as is the case in JDK1.1. The combination of Code Signing and Sandboxing implemented in JDK 1.2 (Java 2) incorporates fine-grained access control and follows a “shades-of-grey” policy. This policy is more flexible than the “black-and-white” policy, as it allows a user to assign any degree of partial trust to a code, rather than just “trusted” and “untrusted”. There is a whole spectrum of privileges that can be granted to the code. In JDK1.2 all code is subjected to the same security policy, regardless of being labeled as local or remote. The run-time system partitions code into individual groups called protection domains in such a way that all programs inside the same domain are granted the same set of permissions. The end-user can authorize certain protection domains to access the majority of resources that are available at the executing host while other protection domains may be restricted to the Sandbox environment. In between these two, there are different subsets of privileges that can be granted to different protection domains, based on whether they are local or remote, authorized or not, and even based on the key that is used for the signature. Although this scheme is much more flexible than the one in JDK 1.1, it still suffers from the same problem, that an end user can grant full privileges to malicious mobile code.
----Proof-Carrying Code
Lee and Necula [21] introduced the Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) technique in which the code producer is required to provide a formal proof that the code complies with the security policy of the code consumer. The code producer sends the code together with the formal safety proof, sometimes called machine-checkable proof, to the code consumer. Upon receipt, the code consumer checks and verifies the safety proof of the incoming code by using a simple and fast proof checker. Depending on the result of the proof validation process, the code is proclaimed safe and consequently executed without any further checking, or it is rejected. PCC guarantees the safety of the incoming code providing that there is no flaw in the verification-condition generator, the logical axioms, the typing rules, and the proof-checker PCC is considered to be “self-certifying”, because no cryptography or trusted third party is required. It involves low-cost static program checking after which the program can be executed without any expensive run-time checking. In addition, PCC is considered “tamper-proof” as any modification done to the code or the proof will be detected. These advantages make the Proof Carrying Code technique useful not only for mobile agents but also for other applications such as active networks and extensible operating systems. Proof Carrying Code also has some limitations, which need to be dealt with before it can become widely used. The main problem with PCC is the proof generation, and there is a lot of research on how to automate the proof generation process. For example, a certifying compiler can automatically generate the proof through the process of compilation. Unfortunately, at present many proofs still have to be done by hand. Other limitations of the PCC technique include the potential size of the proof and the time consumed in the proof-validation process.
---State Appraisal
While a mobile agent is roaming among agent platforms, it typically carries the following information: code, static data, collected data, and execution state. The execution state is dynamic data created during the execution of the agent at each platform and used as input to the computations performed on the next platform. The state includes a program counter, registers, local environment, control stack, and store. The state of a mobile gent changes during its execution on a platform. Farmer et al [25] introduced the “State Appraisal” technique to ensure that an agent has not become malicious or modified as a result of its state alterations at an untrustworthy platform. In this technique the author, who creates the mobile agent, produces a state appraisal function. This function calculates the maximum set of safe permissions that the agent could request from the host platform, depending on the agent’s current state. In other words, the author needs to anticipate possible harmful modifications to the agent’s state and to counteract them within the appraisal function. Similarly, the sender, who sends the agent to act on his behalf, produces another state appraisal function that determines the set of permissions to be requested by the agent, depending on its current state and on the task to be completed. Subsequently, the sender packages the code with these state appraisal functions. If both the author and the sender sign the agent, their appraisal functions will be protected against malicious modifications. Upon receipt, the target platform checks and verifies the correct state of the incoming agent. Depending on the result of the verification process, the platform can determine what privileges should be granted to this incoming agent given its current state.
Clearly, when the author and the sender fail to anticipate certain attacks, they cannot include them in the appraisal functions and provide the necessary protection. In addition to ensuring that an agent has not become malicious during its itinerary, the State Appraisal may also be used to disarm a maliciously altered agent. Another advantage of this technique is that it provides a flexible way for an agent to request permissions depending on its current state and on the task that it needs to do on that particular platform. The main problem with this technique is that it is not easy to formulate appropriate security properties for the mobile agent and to obtain a state appraisal function that guarantees those properties.
---Path Histories
When an agent travels through a multi-hop itinerary, it visits many platforms that are not all trusted to the same extent. The newly visited platform may benefit from the answers to the following questions: Where has the agent been? How likely is it that the agent has been converted to a malicious one during its trip? To enable the platform to answer these questions, a mobile agent should maintain an authenticable record of the previously visited platforms during its travel life. Using this history, the platform makes the decision whether to run the agent and what level of trust, services, resources and privileges should be granted to the agent. The list of the platforms visited previously by the agent is the basis of trust that the execution platform has in the agent.
Typically, it is harder to maintain trust in agents that have previously visited a huge number of platforms. Likewise, it is harder to trust the agent whose travel path is unknown in advance, for example the agent that is searching for new information and creates its travel path dynamically [43]. The “Path History” is constructed in the following way. Each visited platform in the mobile agent's travel life adds a signed record to the Path History. This record should contain the current platform’s identity together with the identity of the next platform to be visited in the mobile agent’s travel path. Moreover, in order to prevent tampering, each platform should include the previous record in the message digest that it is signing. After executing the agent, the current platform should send the agent together with the complete Path History to the next platform. Depending on the information in the Path History, the new platform can decide whether to run the agent and what privileges should be granted to the agent. The main problem with the Path History technique is that the cost of the path verification process increases with the path history. Constructing algorithms for Path History evaluation is an interesting research area.
Security issues in the mobile agent paradigm
Mobile agent paradigm appeals to many specialists working in different applications. This is especially true for e-commerce applications, including stock markets,Digital Cash, and electronic auctions. Such applications involve dealing with vast amounts of money and thus users will hesitate to use MAs unless they feel that they are secure and can be trusted. Therefore, the security of mobile agents is an important issue that has triggered much research effort in order to find a suitable solution. The following parts discuss attacks for both mobile agent and mobile agent platform.
------------------------- Threats against Agent platform---------------------------
Unauthorized Access. Malicious mobile agents can try to access the services and resources of the platform without adequate permissions. In order to thwart this attack, a mobile agent platform must have a security policy by specifying the access rules applicable to various agents, and a mechanism to enforce the policy.
Masquerading. In this attack, a malicious agent assumes the identity of another agent in order to gain access to platform resources and services, or simply to cause even serious damage to the platform. Likewise, a platform can claim the identity of another platform in order to gain access to the mobile agent data. In both cases, the malicious agent or platform will not receive any blame for its potentially detrimental actions. Instead, the unsuspecting agent or platform whose identity was misused will be held responsible.
Denial of Service. A malicious platform can cause harm to a visiting mobile agent by ignoring the agent’s request for services and resources that are available on the platform, by terminating the agent without notification, or by assigning continuous tasks to the agent so that it will never reach its goal. Likewise, a malicious agent may attempt to consume the resources of the platform, such as disk space, processing time, delete important files or even the whole hard disk contents, thus causing harm to the platform and launching a denial of service attack against other visiting agents.
Annoyance attack. Examples of this attack include opening many windows on the platform computer or making the computer beep repeatedly. Such attacks may not represent a very serious problem to the platform; however they still need to be prevented.
Eavesdropping. In this attack, a malicious platform monitors the behavior of a mobile agent in order to extract sensitive information from it. This is typically used when the mobile agent code and data are encrypted. Monitoring may include the identity of the entities that mobile agent is communicating with, and the types of services requested by the mobile agent.
Alteration. In the alteration attack, a malicious platform tries to modify mobile agent information, by performing an insertion, deletion and/or alteration to the agent’s code, data, and execution state. Modifying the mobile agent execution code and state may result in the agent performing harmful actions to other platforms, including the agent’s home platform.
------------------------- Threats against Agent platform---------------------------
Unauthorized Access. Malicious mobile agents can try to access the services and resources of the platform without adequate permissions. In order to thwart this attack, a mobile agent platform must have a security policy by specifying the access rules applicable to various agents, and a mechanism to enforce the policy.
Masquerading. In this attack, a malicious agent assumes the identity of another agent in order to gain access to platform resources and services, or simply to cause even serious damage to the platform. Likewise, a platform can claim the identity of another platform in order to gain access to the mobile agent data. In both cases, the malicious agent or platform will not receive any blame for its potentially detrimental actions. Instead, the unsuspecting agent or platform whose identity was misused will be held responsible.
Denial of Service. A malicious platform can cause harm to a visiting mobile agent by ignoring the agent’s request for services and resources that are available on the platform, by terminating the agent without notification, or by assigning continuous tasks to the agent so that it will never reach its goal. Likewise, a malicious agent may attempt to consume the resources of the platform, such as disk space, processing time, delete important files or even the whole hard disk contents, thus causing harm to the platform and launching a denial of service attack against other visiting agents.
Annoyance attack. Examples of this attack include opening many windows on the platform computer or making the computer beep repeatedly. Such attacks may not represent a very serious problem to the platform; however they still need to be prevented.
Eavesdropping. In this attack, a malicious platform monitors the behavior of a mobile agent in order to extract sensitive information from it. This is typically used when the mobile agent code and data are encrypted. Monitoring may include the identity of the entities that mobile agent is communicating with, and the types of services requested by the mobile agent.
Alteration. In the alteration attack, a malicious platform tries to modify mobile agent information, by performing an insertion, deletion and/or alteration to the agent’s code, data, and execution state. Modifying the mobile agent execution code and state may result in the agent performing harmful actions to other platforms, including the agent’s home platform.
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